• bnui2ui ha inviato un aggiornamento 2 anni, 10 mesi fa

    Buying paper or plastic mugs is a habit that people should break. It kills the planet. You can’t reuse these mugs and the constant need for new ones is bad for the environment.

    If you’ve ever tried reusing your disposable coffee mugs you’ll find that after two to three uses your coffee tastes like whatever material your mug is made of—and that’s usually not good.

    Plastic mugs suffer from the same taste degradation over time, it’s not just paper. Many kinds of plastic start leeching chemicals into the liquids they contain. Even if we assumed this is not harmful to your health (I really hope it isn’t!), it still affects the taste of your coffee in a bad way. Personally, I decided to banish plastic mugs from my life and even bring a nice ceramic mug camping these days.

    Now, if you’re wondering about metal coffee mugs, do they affect coffee taste in the same way? Unfortunately they suffer from similar problems—once the coating on the metal wears off I found my coffee started developing a musty and oddly metallic taste. Not good…

    (Also I don’t want to know why it didn’t taste like that initially I guess the coating must’ve dissolved in my coffee and I drank it? Well, maybe I got lucky and it happened while cleaning instead. Anyway, not a great experience at all.)

    Like many computer programmers I drink a lot of coffee (and I love it). I eventually came to accept that ceramic is the only material that doesn’t affect the taste of my coffee in a bad way.

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