• asdasd ha inviato un aggiornamento 2 anni, 6 mesi fa

    Straps are the simplest distinction between a shoulder bag or tote: a shoulder bag normally has one strap, and a tote bag has two. The appearance of one or two straps may not matter to you, but the function likely will. Consider how you want to access the contents of your bag, whether retrieving what’s inside or adding to it, like while shopping. A tote will typically open much wider and more easily than a shoulder bag. Also, consider how you want to carry the bag (on the shoulder, in the crook of your arm, or both), and be sure the length of the strap or straps is appropriate (or adjustable).


    Whether you choose a shoulder bag or tote, the list of fabrics and materials to choose from is practically endless. Be sure to choose a material that is durable. Both shoulder bags and totes are extremely practical bags—that means both will get a lot of use, so they need to be made of something that will last. It also means it’s worth choosing something that suits your personal style and that you will enjoy carrying. (Your bag doesn’t have to be PURELY functional, right?) Our two favorite materials (for both shoulder bags AND totes) are high-quality leather and waxed canvas. Both materials are classic, durable, and stylish. True, they’ll be more of an investment than the cheapest nylon bag on clearance, but they will last practically forever (and look good doing it).
    There are two main types of crypto wallets: hardware and software (also known as cold and hot storage wallets, respectively). Hot storage wallets are accessible via an internet service such as Coinbase, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges that supplies online wallets for users, and can be further segregated into online wallets and client-side wallets managed locally on a user's computer or mobile device.

    1 second of 28 secondsVolume 0%There are also paper wallet generators, which create keys that can be printed out or rendered as QR codes.

    Cold storage wallets are downloaded and reside offline on a piece of hardware such as a USB drive or a smartphone. Exodus.io and Dash QT are two examples of cold storage wallet software. Cold storage wallets can also be purchased as devices with the software already installed on them; these kinds of devices are sold by vendors such as Trezor and Ledger.

    Hardware wallets can be further divided into crypto-assist type wallets that simply handle the keys and signing of arbitrary data and are sometimes called hardware security modules (HSMs). "And then there are hardware wallets that handle generating and signing complete transactions that are then sent to the distributed ledger network," Huseby said.

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