• [email protected] ha inviato un aggiornamento 2 anni, 8 mesi fa

    Aluminum windows and aluminum doors have become increasingly popular for both commercial and residential buildings. Aluminum window frames can be made to match almost any color and home style. They can also be made in a range of different configurations including casement windows, double-hung windows, sliding windows/doors, awning windows, fixed windows, and lift and slide doors. Here are some reasons why you should choose aluminum.


    Aluminum windows are far less prone to warping; they are weather-proof, corrosion-resistant and immune to the harmful effects of UV rays, ensuring optimal performance with a long lifespan. Their strong window frames will last longer than wood and vinyl frames.

    Variety of Color Options

    Aluminum windows can be powder coated or anodized in thousands of colors. The only limitation in color is your imagination.

    Energy Efficient

    Because aluminum, including aluminum awning window, aluminum sliding windows, aluminum casement window, etc., is light, malleable and easy to work with, manufacturers are able to produce window frames that offer high levels of wind, water, and air-tightness, which means exceptional energy efficiency.

    Cost efficient

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