14 febbraio, 2017
Complimenti per la vittoria meritatissima e complimenti a amers per la gestione
La mia scelta (Claudia Megrè) è passata completamente in sordina almeno posso dire che con la seconda scelta (Rebecca Ferguson) avrei avuto un destino simile. @smiley alla fine avevo sbagliato ad attribuirla a te ma almeno era dell'altro capolista @gennjuve
Moderatore - Mentore
Moderatore Junior
7 agosto, 2013
Complimenti @monechiapi, Anggun ha dominato il suo girone, vinto nettamente la sfida e all'inizio sembrava dominare anche la finale ma Lene e Daniel si sono fatti sotto ma non sono bastati per toglierle la vittoria.
Ringrazio davvero tutti per aver partecipato, i "soliti noti" ma anche gli utenti nuovi che non avevano mai partecipato a un mio contest, spero di rivedervi presto.
Scomparsi è il contest amersiano cui tengo di più, mi permette di riscoprire pezzi praticamente dimenticati e sperare ogni anno di vedere Daniele Groff con Annajulia.
7 agosto, 2013
Sushi ha detto
Bene, aspettavo con impazienza di capire da chi mi sono fatto odiare in questi giorni@Kteis
(bravo per il terzo posto peròòò )
E ora la F2 che mi aspettavo
In realtà il tuo astio per Powter mi ha tanto convinto da farmi tifare per altri
Ahahah scherzo, però non vedevo l'ora di palesarmi
Congratulazioni al vincitore bravi grazie ad @amers!
«Tutti pensano che a renderci felici debba essere la vita, ma io una cosa l'ho capita: per essere felici serve solo coraggio.»
Moderatore Junior
7 agosto, 2013
Grazie votanti, I love you Sono davvero contentone!
Devo dire che inizialmente ero titubante se giocare con Anggun, perché temevo che potesse essere un po' "datata" e poi pensavo di avere solo io un ricordo magico di quella canzone. Ovviamente poi ho deciso di andare col guore e puntare su questo brano che, ribadisco, ha un posto importante nel mio cuoricino e mi emoziona ancora a distanza di anni.
Poi, a contest iniziato, ho cominciato a vedere molti consensi e diversi utenti che la vedevano in finale e a giocarsi la vittoria, allora ho iniziato a crederci, pur con l'ansia che tutto questo nominarla mi portasse un po' sfiga. E invece è andata bene e sono molto contento che anche voi abbiate un bel ricordo della voce magica di Anggun.
Devo dire che forse questa è l'edizione che ho preferito, perché ho ritrovato tante perle dimenticate (e non) che non avrei minimamente considerato. Complimenti ovviamente anche ad amers che riesce sempre a creare contest che appassionano tutti e in cui quel fattore nostalgia mi fa impazzire!
24 ottobre, 2013
Complimenti a Monechiapi e Anggun Grazie Marci per aver organizzato il contest, ancora mi chiedo come tu riesca a fare mille cose (ancora team hai la camera del tempo), ma sono contenta sia tornato il contest perché è sempre piacevole riascoltare vecchie canzoni che hai amato. Anche se ho scoperto come vanno ormai questi, faccio bene la prima edizione per poi floppare in quelle successive Infatti,
Sky Ferreira – Everything is embarassing smiley
a choice i'd say
Comunque avevo valutati diversi nomi (tra cui la stessa riri come dicevo) but se parliamo di cantanti che hanno dimenticato di esserlo sky è proprio il primo nome che mi viene in mente (sì vabbeh la breve parentesi del 2019 non conta). Ero più indecisa tra EIE e You're not the one lol. Molti di voi frequentano e leggono atrl, c'è un topic aggiornato fino all'anno scorso in cui viene ripercorso tutto il calvario di questo benedetto nuovo album e mi fa morire ogni volta. Ve lo posto sotto spoiler se qualcuno volesse leggerlo, ma vi avverto che è lunghino perché va avanti da un po'
October 29th - Sky Ferreira releases her long-awaited debut album Night Time, My Time.
November 21st - In an interview with Billboard, Sky announces that she is already working on her sophomore album and describes its sound as "heavier"and "a blend of everything". The same night, she debuts Guardian at a concert in LA.
November 30th - Sky shares a snippet of the Guardian demo on Instagram and announces that she will release it "next year" alongside a video directed by Grant Singer. (This never happens)
December 22nd - Sky posts on Instagram that she is "anxious/ready" to start making her second album.
February 10th - via Twitter, Sky announces that the name of her sophomore album begins with an M.
April 6th - Sky updates her Instagram bio to include 'Masochism' alongside 'Night Time, My Time', fuelling speculation that it is the name of her upcoming sophomore album. She later confirms this on Twitter.
May 11th - Sky tweets that a new song/film directed by Grant Singer will come out in the summer. (This never happens)
June 3rd - Via Instagram, Sky announces that Guardian is coming out in the summer and shares another snippet. (This never happens)
July 2nd - Sky posts a drawing by Lucas David on Instagram and captions it "2016 #MASOCHISM... UP FIRST IS #Guardian (summer 2015)". (This never happens)
October 6th - Sky makes an Instagram post confirming that she is still working on Masochism and to have patience.
December 15th - Sky makes an Instagram post stating the first song from Masochism will be released in early 2016. (This never happens)
January 1st - In a New Year's post on Instagram, Sky states that we will hear new music "this year". (this never happens)
February 16th - In an interview with Dazed Magazine, Sky announces that she is still recording Masochism but that it is due for release in the summer. (This never happens)
March 21st - Sky tweets that she is working on Masochism and that there is no delay as she never gave a release date.
July 6th - Sky tweets that she is writing her album in response to fans asking where it is.
September 22nd - Sky posts her Playboy Magazine covers on Instagram and calls them a "visual introduction" to Masochism.
October 22nd - In an Instagram post, Sky says she is making music in her hotel room.
November 25th - Sky tweets that she "can't wait" to put out music.
December 9th - Sky tweets that she can't wait to "put out/make music without having to spit blood", suggesting label drama.
January 6th - Sky tweets that there is no album delay as she never announced a release date for Masochism.
January 31st - Sky posts an image of the Capitol Records building on Instagram, captioning it "glue yr wigs", suggesting an imminent release.
March 21st - Sky tweets that her album is "starting to shape up nicely" in her head.
July 17th - In an Instagram post, Sky states that she is working on new music quietly and that people above her are responsible for the lack of new music but that these problems are being solved and she is planning on making and putting something out "soon".
September 13th - In another Instagram post, Sky announces that she is putting out new music "very soon", although it is not Masochism.
October 20th - Sky mentions that she is in a mixing session in an Instagram post.
November 4th - Via her Instagram Story, Sky says that she is not currently well enough to release Masochism but that new music and a video are coming "extremely soon".
November 20th - Sky tweets that she is ill and can't put out a tonne of music all at once because she doesn't feel well enough to promote and tour it.
December 11th - Sky posts on Instagram that new music is coming within 60 days. (This never happens)
December 19th - Via her Instagram story, Sky once again affirms that new music (a series of songs, not Masochism) is coming out "really really" soon in early 2018. (This never happens)
December 21st - Track Records posts an open letter to Sky asking her to release new music, to which she replies that new music is coming "this winter". (This never happens)
December 22nd - In an interview with The FADER, Sky announces that she still does not feel well enough to release a full album and that she is instead putting out a "heavily visual" EP that will begin to be released in February or March "for sure". (This never happens)
December 23rd - In a reply to a fan demanding music on Twitter, Sky states that she is releasing new music "very soon".
January 10th - Sky posts an image on Instagram and announces that it is the first official photo from her upcoming music release.
February 8th - A fan asks Sky where new music is considering the 60 days she mentioned before is almost up, to which she replies "I never gave a date. People need to stop putting non existent dates on things. I was talking about something else." She also says that a winter release is still happening. (This never happens)
April 10th - Sky announces that she is finally mixing Guardian (4 years after first performing it live) via her Instagram story.
June 6th - In a long post on Instagram, Sky announces that new music is "finally happening" and that she is waiting for the official release date (presumably from her label) before announcing her single(s), suggesting a double release.
July 6th - Via Instagram, Sky states that she is putting the finishing touches to her first two singles and writes "Masochism, finally", suggesting that the EP has been cancelled.
July 30th - In a reply to a fan asking about Masochism on Twitter, Sky says that the first single involves "a fire baptism".
July 31st - Sky posts her Voices Carry cover on her Soundcloud and in the description mentions that she will be sharing more information about Masochism on there. She also gives a hint about one of her first two singles: "There's a fire on your street".
September 26th - On her Instagram story, Sky shares an image of files and states that she is listening to each singular track in order and making notes on them before properly arranging and finishing them.
September 30th - Sky confirms via Instagram that Guardian will have a separate release after she puts out brand new music, although she is still writing songs and is not sure of Masochism's final tracklist yet.
October 10th - On her Instagram story, Sky writes "it's being made" and puts the location as Capitol Records, suggesting Masochism is finally on its way.
November 5th - On her Instagram story, Sky announces that she has finally finished her first single in almost five years.
November 14th - Sky posts on Instagram "this winter... it is official!"
November 17th - In a reply to a fan asking about Masochism on Twitter, Sky tells them that her first single comes out "this winter" although she is still waiting for the official release date due to label technicalities.
November 18th - Sky replies to another fan on Twitter and tells them that new music will be released before March. (This never happens)
February 9th - Sky posts on Instagram and captions the photo "!!!!!!MARCH!!!!!!!" fuelling speculation that new music is coming in March.
March 6th - Sky tweets that she is releasing new music this month (for real)
March 11th - Sky replies to a fan asking where the new music is, telling them "end of March".
March 15th - Sky posts on Instagram and once again affirms that her single is coming out in March, although she fails to specify an exact date despite the fact that it is halfway through March already.
March 21st - Sky announces that her new single - and first official release in almost 6 years - "Downhill Lullaby" will be released on 27th March.
March 26th - In a Pitchfork interview Sky talks about her meticulous recording and mixing process and reveals a few details about Masochism, including that it is "almost positively" going to be released in 2019. (This never happens)
March 27th - Sky releases "Downhill Lullaby".
April 1st - Sky teases "Don't Forget", a song she talked about in her Pitchfork interview, on her Instagram story.
April 28th - A month after its release, Sky announces that a music video and an alternate version of "Downhill Lullaby" are on the way.
May 16th - "Guardian" leaks online, almost 5 years after Sky first premiered it live.
July 19th - Sky premieres "Descending" live at the Pitchfork Music Festival in Chicago and says that it is coming "very soon".
September 21st - Sky replies "yes" to a fan on Instagram who asks her "are we getting anything new?". Sky does not specify a date.
September 28th - Sky asks her followers on Instagram is they would be interested in a "vvv special limited series MASOCHISM podcast". She gives no further details.
October 10th - Sky announces that she is releasing new music "right before the decade is over" on Instagram. (This never happens)
November 9th - Sky posts a picture on Instagram with the caption "THIS WINTER". She deletes the post minutes later. (It is worth noting that Sky has now announced she will be releasing music for the past 3 consecutive winters, with only one song actually being released)
November 10th - Sky tweets that she has new music "coming out very soon".
November 12th - Sky once again affirms that new music is coming out but she is currently "not at liberty to say when".
December 2nd - Sky replies to a fan asking for new music and tells them that her first two singles are being mixed/mastered and that the date for their release is TBC because "they aren't Christmas songs". She also mentions that it "hasn't been" her year.
December 21st - Sky tweets that she finished her singles "a while ago" and that, once again, they aren't Christmas songs and she wants them to be released properly considering her struggles with releasing music.
December 30th - Sky tweets that she "can't wait to start the decade off right", suggesting an early 2020 release for new music. (This never happens)
January 1st - Sky states that she "can't wait" for fans to hear the new music she just finished.
February 2nd - Sky's mom reposts a picture of Sky in the studio on her Instagram story with the caption "Sky has something boiling get ready people I've heard the new album" suggesting Masochism is complete and awaiting release.
February 18th - Sky's mom shares that Sky had surgery the previous week via her Instagram story.
February 19th - Sky responds to a fan's Instagram comment saying that she had to have surgery so she could "finally release music", adding that she'd explain the situation once she had recovered.
February 24th - Sky responds to an angry fan on Instagram demanding new music, stating that she finished what she is putting out "a while ago" but that she is still dealing with health issues.
April 6th - In a series of Tweets, Sky once again states she has finished all the songs she is "putting out first", but "obviously can't give a release date" due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic as she wants it to have a proper release under normal circumstances.
April 8th - Sky replies to a comment on her Instagram post asking her to release at least one single, telling the fan that it's not the right time and that she has to make artwork and videos before releasing anything, which she can't currently do due to the lockdown.
June 23rd - Sky deletes her Twitter account.
August 6th - Sky replies to a fan asking about new music on Instagram, affirming once again that she has finished her singles and is waiting for the coronavirus crisis to be over so she can make videos and perform the songs live. She also states that she is personally aiming for a 2020 release, although that is dependent on how the pandemic turns out.
credits: body electrician atrl
Poi nella seconda metà del 2020 dice che il suo album non poteva uscire certo sotto la presidenza trump, ma a distanza di mesi non si sa comunque nulla we have no choice but to hate her!
Un gran peccato perché NTMT still slaps
Moderatore - Mentore
Moderatore Junior
7 agosto, 2013
24 ottobre, 2013
Francofranco ha detto
Complimenti per la vittoria meritatissima e complimenti a amers per la gestioneLa mia scelta (Claudia Megrè) è passata completamente in sordina almeno posso dire che con la seconda scelta (Rebecca Ferguson) avrei avuto un destino simile. @smiley alla fine avevo sbagliato ad attribuirla a te ma almeno era dell'altro capolista @gennjuve
Tutti e tre uniti da uno stesso destino direi vabbe, ci rifaremo alla prossima
13 gennaio, 2015
smiley ha detto
bigboj91 sbaglio o qualche anno fa avevi portato no scrubs in un contest di amers? No perché se così fosse, io in pratica amo sempre le tue scelte
Si vede che hai ottimi gusti!
Comunque si @smiley, non ricordo esattamente quale fosse tra i 75 contest musicali organizzati da Amers, ma sono certo di aver portato No Scrubs
amers ha detto
Emm e Monechiapi. Anggun e Lene. Chi vincerà? Due soli punti a dividerle. Prima di scoprirlo assegno gli amers awards.Canzone preferita dell'intero contest Dilemma di Nelly Canzone preferita della finale Fireflies di Owl City, non la ricordavo
Il mio secondo amers awards dopo quella ottenuto con Bebe Rexha in un altro contest!Faccio partire una petizione per fare in modo che gli amers awards assegnino punti per il ranking
Tornando serio sono felicissimo per la mia canzone che temevo passasse totalmente inosservata in mezzo a tutti quei grossi calibri presenti nel contest. Fireflies è una canzone che ho adorato quando è uscita e quando mi è venuta in mente (all'ultimo momento) è diventata in automatico la mia prima scelta.
Raggiungere la finale è già stato un successo, figuriamoci sfiorare la top5 (anche se quei 2 punti in più potevate anche darmeli!).
Complimenti al vincitore e ad @amers per l'organizzazione e la pazienza nei miei confronti al momento della scelta della canzone, per avergli fatto cercare notizie e discografie di vari cantanti che poi puntualmente non ho scelto
Io comunque ho già pronta la mia scelta per Scomparsi 4, quindi Amers puoi già aprire il topic!
30 aprile, 2020
Complimenti Mone, splendida scelta questo brano di Anggun, che ho potuto supportare fin dalla prima fase essendo nel mio girone, e bravissimo anche Emm con Lene Marlin.
Tra gli altri brani finalisti, personalmente ho apprezzato molto anche Owl City, Empire of the sun e Frou Frou.
Passando agli eliminati al primo turno, lieta di aver ritrovato in particolare Tanita Tikaram e i Morcheeba.
È stato davvero piacevole riascoltare tutte queste hit del passato, alcune le avevo addirittura rimosse e le ho ritrovate volentieri qui. Complimenti ad Amers per l’organizzazione del Contest e see you alla prossima edizione!
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