• asdzczxc ha inviato un aggiornamento 2 anni, 5 mesi fa

    We take them for granted, but shipping operations would not be the same without the invention of cardboard boxes – how long do you think they have they been around?

    When Was the Cardboard Box Invented?The cardboard Gift Box was invented all the way back in 1817 in England. The box was simple paperboard and was not corrugated, but it was a box (Kellogg Cereals helped popularize this box in the mid-1800s)!

    There have been many incarnations of the cardboard box along the way though, which we will highlight next in the evolution of the cardboard box section.

    How Has the Cardboard Box Evolved?

    Corrugated paper was patented in 1856, but used as a liner in hats for the beginning of its existence.

    The Science Channel is here to help us all with their fantastic “How It’s Made” series. Watch their video above to learn about how cardboard boxes are made!

    Whether it is a case of juice boxes or you are moving from one house to another, cardboard boxes help collect numerous amounts of things into one confined space for easy handling.

    On the other hand, a paper bag’s structural firmness and surface feature made it ideal to print high-quality images, logo, designs better as compared to a plastic bag, and that made paper bags a hit for fashion, luxury and premium gift packaging industry.

    Switching from relying on your phone in every aspect of your life to using a physical notebook can be beneficial for more than just your handwriting. You can not check social networks on your notebook, for one. Committing to using a notebook for certain aspects of your life—say, your to-do list—can help wean you from your smartphone addiction. Overusing your phone can lead to sleep issues, anxiety, decreased productivity, and other issues, and experts recommend putting away your phone periodically during the day to break the cycle of checking and rechecking your notifications every few minutes.

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