• asdzczxc ha inviato un aggiornamento 2 anni, 5 mesi fa

    A nautical chart is one of the main instruments of navigation. A chart is a graphical representation of Marine Pump and coastal areas around it. It can show water depths, seabed features, detailed coastal and other important data. The latest technology data storage cards are capable of showing 3D images of different sections of bed which can be conveniently viewed at any angle.

    Celestial navigation systems were used to measure the height of any object in the sky. They were also used for calculating the angular distance between two objects. Examples of these units are back staff, the staff of the Cross and quadrants. The timer is also used by sailors to measure the height of the bodies above the horizon.

    A calendar is considered as an important asset to add to marine navigation systems. They are used in marine chronometer which is used for determining the prime meridian or longitudinal line. Another device that was used in the mid 18th century is the Sextant. Sextant is a popular navigation tool that is still being used. Sextant is integrated into the telescope and the angular extent and determine the latitude and longitude.

    Sextant allows celestial objects to be measured relative to the horizon, rather than relative to the instrument. This allows for excellent precision. Unlike backstaff, backstaff helps to measure the altitude of a celestial body, particularly the sun or the moon, sextant allows direct observations of stars. This permits the use of the sextant at night when a backstaff is difficult to use.

    Sextant doesn’t depend upon electricity or GPS, unlike the modern navigation equipment. Therefore, sextants are still used in all boats. For these reasons, it is considered an eminently practical back-up navigation tool for ships.The weather vane was used in olden days on all ships. Weather vanes indicated the direction of the wind for the sailors to help them maneuver better over the waves. Weather vanes are no more in use on any ship or boat these days.

    Shipping companies and boat owners across the globe are implementing innovative and better ways to transverse the ocean and sea. With various new maritime laws, owners of ships and boats need to follow the law, security, and operational requirement.
    The global positioning system or GPS is a boon for maritime activities. With a GPS compass, anyone can determine the exact location of the ship thereby assisting the crew to sail safe or help in a distress situation. The age-old method of charts and maps are no more on the deck. The latest Multifunction Chart Displays gives you detailed information about the vessel to the mariner. Displays navigation sensors, weather receivers, radars, GPS, plotters can be effectively integrated into a navigation screen. It can serve as a center panel that can do all sorts of features to provide the best navigation experience in the ocean. This useful tool can provide users with improvedsituational awareness and safety.

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