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Da che parte stai: Carnivori vs Veg
Utente 3xP

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24 aprile, 2017 - 10:41
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Il duello di oggi prevede di prendere una posizione in base al vostro regime alimentare:

Da che parte stai?

  • Carnivori(83% : 45 votes)
  • Vegetariani/Vegani(17% : 9 votes)
Total Voters: 54

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24 aprile, 2017 - 14:24
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Team Carnivori .kiss

Utente 3xP

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24 aprile, 2017 - 14:29
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Onnivori talpa


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24 aprile, 2017 - 15:18
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Interessante sfida... Ho votato per ''carnivori'' perché lo sono!!!

Ammetto però di non essere un amante della carne rossa anzi... Ho difficoltà nel digerirla e quindi ne mangio veramente poca durante l'anno. Vado più di carne bianca. 

I vegani mi pare che nemmeno possano mangiare le uova... Insomma... A proposito di uova ora vado a preparare una torta al cacao con, appunto, due uova 😀

Utente 5xP

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24 aprile, 2017 - 19:41
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quando ho fame mangerei anche il tavolo figuriamoci se mi fermo davanti a un pezzo di carne

Utente 3xP

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24 aprile, 2017 - 19:51
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#TeamCarnivori . Ma come si fa a non esserli? Io posso capire quelli a cui non piace la carne. E va bene. Ma quelli che dicono "non mangio la carne perché mi dispiace per il maialino" sono seri? Il maialino se non lo mangi tu se lo mangia il leone (si fa per dire). E' la catena alimentare. 

E poi, anche le PIANTE sono esseri viventi. 


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24 aprile, 2017 - 19:55
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Sono lontano dalle idee vegane (che non capisco), mentre molto più vicino a quelle vegetariane. Da sempre vorrei provare a diventarlo, ho parlato anche con persone già vegetariane, ma di fatto non ci sono mai riuscito. 

Io mangio pochissima carne rossa, mentre mi piace molto il pollo e non riesco a rinunciare al crudo. In ogni caso sia per le uova che per il pollo, che per tutto ciò che mangio, mi affido solo ad allevamenti non intensivi. Ho la fortuna di avere i genitori che abitano in piena campagna con orto e animali, quindi so da dove arriva ciò che mangio. 
Quindi in realtà sono carnivoro (pur essendo contro gli allevamenti e non mangiando alcune tipologie di animali), ma se dovessi sposare il pensiero voterei per il vegetariano.

Vicenza, Italy
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24 aprile, 2017 - 20:22
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Ho votato #TeamCarnivori perchè let's be serious - ma con la carne, specie rossa, IMHO è sempre meglio non esagerare. Una, massimo due volte a settimana va bene (per quanto mi piaccia) sadida


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24 aprile, 2017 - 20:34
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Ho votato carnivori, ma preciso che non mangio moltissima carne, solo pollo, tacchino ogni tanto, il macinato per il sugo e alcuni affettati

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24 aprile, 2017 - 20:57
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Ci sono motivi ben più intelligenti per essere vegetariani rispetto a "mi dispiace per il maialino" what

La produzione e il consumo di carne ha delle grosse conseguenze a livello ambientale (consumo di risorse, di terreno per esempio) ma anche microbiologico (antibiotics resistance anyone?!).

Che un'alternativa vegetariana sia migliore - certo - è tutto da discutere (sicuramente lo è per l'abuso di antibiotici).

Io sono onnivoro, ma sono aperto a smettere di mangiare carne se questo avesse un effetto benefico sostanziale (pur nel mio piccolo) in termini di risorse, uso di antibiotici, etc etc. 


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24 aprile, 2017 - 21:23
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latinista93 ha detto
Sono lontano dalle idee vegane (che non capisco), mentre molto più vicino a quelle vegetariane. Da sempre vorrei provare a diventarlo, ho parlato anche con persone già vegetariane, ma di fatto non ci sono mai riuscito. 

Condivido, qualche giorno fa a 4 ristoranti c'era una sfida dove due ristoranti proponevano solo una cugina vegana e avrei avuto davvero poca scelta. 

Pur consumando pochissimo la carne rossa, non potrei rinunciare agli altri alimenti di origine animale.

Utente 8xP

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24 aprile, 2017 - 22:31
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carnivori senza dubbio


anche se non sono un gran mangiatore di carne rossa. la preferisco nei sughi o al massimo in hamburger e salsicce rofl questi sì li adoro, altrimenti sono per la bianca

però poi c'è anche il pesce che mi piace molto e ancora di più i crostacei per cui non riuscirei mai a rinunciarvi per essere vegetariano (per quanto poco mangi i crostacei visto il costo, ma va behlol)

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26 aprile, 2017 - 12:47
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da The Conversation, LINK

When we hear about the horrors of industrial livestock farming – the pollution, the waste, the miserable lives of billions of animals – it is hard not to feel a twinge of guilt and conclude that we should eat less meat.

Yet most of us probably won’t. Instead, we will mumble something about meat being tasty, that “everyone” eats it, and that we only buy “grass fed” beef.

Over the next year, more than 50 billion land animals will be raised and slaughtered for food around the world. Most of them will be reared in conditions that cause them to suffer unnecessarily while also harming people and the environment in significant ways.

This raises serious ethical problems. We’ve compiled a list of arguments against eating meat to help you decide for yourself what to put on your plate.

1. The environmental impact is huge

Livestock farming has a vast environmental footprint. It contributes to land and water degradation, biodiversity loss, acid rain, coral reef degeneration and deforestation.

Nowhere is this impact more apparent than climate change – livestock farming contributes 18% of human produced greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. This is more than all emissions from ships, planes, trucks, cars and all other transport put together.

Climate change alone poses multiple risks to health and well-being through increased risk of extreme weather events – such as floods, droughts and heatwaves – and has been described as the greatest threatto human health in the 21st century.

Reducing consumption of animal products is essential if we are to meet global greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets – which are necessary to mitigate the worst effects of climate change.

2. It requires masses of grain, water and land

Meat production is highly inefficient – this is particularly true when it comes to red meat. To produce one kilogram of beef requires 25 kilograms of grain – to feed the animal – and roughly 15,000 litres of water. Pork is a little less intensive and chicken less still.

The scale of the problem can also be seen in land use: around 30% of the earth’s land surface is currently used for livestock farming. Since food, water and land are scarce in many parts of the world, this represents an inefficient use of resources.

3. It hurts the global poor

Feeding grain to livestock increases global demand and drives up grain prices, making it harder for the world’s poor to feed themselves. Grain could instead be used to feed people, and water used to irrigate crops.

If all grain were fed to humans instead of animals, we could feed an extra 3.5 billion people. In short, industrial livestock farming is not only inefficient but also not equitable.

4. It causes unnecessary animal suffering

If we accept, as many people do, that animals are sentient creatureswhose needs and interests matter, then we should ensure these needs and interests are at least minimally met and that we do not cause them to suffer unnecessarily.

Industrial livestock farming falls well short of this minimal standard. Most meat, dairy and eggs are produced in ways that largely or completely ignore animal welfare – failing to provide sufficient space to move around, contact with other animals, and access to the outdoors.

In short, industrial farming causes animals to suffer without good justification.

5. It is making us ill

At the production level, industrial livestock farming relies heavily on antibiotic use to accelerate weight gain and control infection – in the US, 80% of all antibiotics are consumed by the livestock industry.

This contributes to the growing public health problem of antibiotic resistance. Already, more than 23,000 people are estimated to die every year in the US alone from resistant bacteria. As this figure continues to rise, it becomes hard to overstate the threat of this emerging crisis.

High meat consumption – especially of red and processed meat – typical of most rich industrialised countries is linked with poor health outcomes, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes and various cancers.

These diseases represent a major portion of the global disease burden so reducing consumption could offer substantial public health benefits.

Currently, the average meat intake for someone living in a high-income country is 200-250g a day, far higher than the 80-90g recommended by the United Nations. Switching to a more plant-based diet could save up to 8m lives a year worldwide by 2050 and lead to healthcare related savings and avoided climate change damages of up to $1.5 trillion.

6. It’s unethical

Most people agree that as a basic rule an action that promotes the overall happiness of others is morally good, while an action that causes harm or suffering without good justification is morally wrong.

Meat eating is wrong not because there is something special about pigs or chickens or dogs or cats, but because of the harm it causes, whether that harm is caused to animals, humans, or the wider environment.

Most people living in industrialised countries have historically unprecedented dietary choice. And if our nutritional needs can now be met by consuming foods that are less harmful, then we ought to choose these over foods that are known to cause more harm.

Eating less meat and animal products is one of the easiest things we can do to live more ethically.


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26 aprile, 2017 - 15:28
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Mangio relativamente poca carne e tanto pesce, ma adoro i piatti vegetariani e anche vegani sinceramente. Vado a periodi comunque, ad oggi non riuscirei a rinunciare a carne e pesce ma in futuro non lo escludo anzi!

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