[img align=left]http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/7825/1544337wf0.jpg[/img] Clamoroso al Big Brother inglese: [b]la concorrente in nomination, Emily, è stata espulsa dalla casa per un commento razzista[/b] ai danni della concorrente di colore Charley. Dopo l’esperienza dell’edizione vip, che tante polemiche aveva causato per i comportamenti di bullismo e razzismo verso l’attrice indiana Shilpa Shetty, quest’anno Big Brother ha voluto tutelarsi, evidentemente, prendendo misure più che drastiche. Emily avrebbe appellato la co-inquilina utilizzando il termine [i]"nigger"[/i], letteralmente "negra". Interpellata in confessionale, la ragazza ha specificato che non intendeva assolutamente offendere Charley, ma che si trattava solo di un gioco. La stessa Charley, parlando con Nicky, anch’ella di colore, ha ammesso di non sentirsi offesa, ma di essere sorpresa dai toni usati da Emily. La produzione afferma che "ha rimosso Emily dalla casa per rendere noto ancora una volta che Big Brother non tollera e non tollererà atteggiamenti, comportamenti o frasi di marca razzista" e che "Questo incidente dimostrerà a tutti che il razzismo non sarà mai tollerato in ogni modo, forma o sostanza". Le nomination, naturalmente, sono state annullate.

Emily has been removed from the Big Brother house after using a racially offensive word. She was heard to say "Are you pushing it out you n**ger?" to Charley while dancing with her housemates in the living room at approximately 8.30pm last night. The transcript, which is provisional and provided by Channel 4, now follows. Emily: (referring to Charley dancing/pushing her hips forward) You pushing it out you nigger. Nicky: (shocked laughter) Em, I can’t believe you said that. Charley: You are in trouble. Emily: Don’t make a big thing out of it then. I was joking. Charley: I know you were… but that’s some serious shit, sorry. Emily: Why? Charley: Oh my god. I’m not even saying it. Nicky: Just don’t talk about it anymore. Emily: I was joking Charley: Do you know how many viewers would watch that? Nicky: Okay, don’t make a big deal out of it. Charley: Fancy you saying that. I can’t believe you said that. Emily: Somebody has already used that word in this house. Charley: No way. (Pause) Yeah, me. I’m a nigger. Nicky laughs. Charley: I am one. Fancy you saying it. I know maybe you see it in a rap song. Maybe you and your friends sit there saying it. Emily: I’m friendly with plenty of black people. Nicky: And you call them niggers? Emily: Yeah and they call me niggers. They call me wiggers as well. Nicky: I’m quite shocked. Charley: I’m fucking in shock. Emily: It’s not a big deal though is it? Charley: Not for us it ain’t. Fuck me. Although she insisted that the comment had been intended as a joke, Big Brother deemed her comment unacceptable. The house rules state that any housemate who acts in a way that is seriously unacceptable will be evicted. Emily was called to the Diary Room at approximately 3.30am to be removed from the house. The remaining housemates were informed of Big Brother’s decision at 9.30am this morning. As Emily was one of two housemates nominated for eviction, this week’s eviction vote has been suspended. Angela Jain, who heads Channel 4’s Big Brother commissioning team, said: "In the wake of Celebrity Big Brother we must consider the potential offence to viewers regardless of Emily’s intentions and her housemates’ response. "The word ‘n**ger’ is clearly racially offensive and there is no justification for its use. We have removed Emily from the house to once again make it clear to all housemates and the viewers at home that such behaviour won’t be tolerated." The incident will be aired as part of the Big Brother highlights show on Channel 4 at 10pm tonight. ————– Fonte: Digital Spy ————–

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